Walmart - Indianola, Mississippi, MS

633 Highway 82 WestIndianolaMS 38751Get directions

Hours Walmart - Indianola, Mississippi, MS


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Walmart - Indianola, Mississippi, MS - Hours & Store Details

Walmart Supercenter occupies an ideal position at 633 Highway 82 West, within the north-west region of Indianola. The store is an important addition to the areas of Shaw, Sunflower, Moorhead and Inverness. Today (Sunday), its hours of business are from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm. For other information about Walmart Indianola, Mississippi, MS, including the operating hours, address and phone details, please refer to the sections on this page.

Getting Here - Highway West, Indianola

You'll find Walmart Supercenter conveniently located close to the intersection of US Route 82 and Longswitch Road, in Indianola, Mississippi.

By car

Conveniently situated a 1 minute drive from West Gresham Street, Airport Road, US-82 and Marie Avenue; a 3 minute drive from North Sunflower Avenue, Ms-448 and Main Street; or a 10 minute drive time from Gentry Street or Heathman Road. The address to use on your GPS units to get find the location is 633 Highway 82 West, Indianola, MS 38751.

On foot

Just a short walk away you may find Indianola Municipal Airport, Legion Field and South Sunflower County Hospital.

Walmart Locations Nearby Indianola, MS

Walmart owns 1 existing discount store in Indianola, Mississippi. Walmart has more discount stores that can be found close by:

Visit this link for Walmart grocery stores near Indianola.

Other Stores

Open: 6:00 am - 11:00 pm0.01mi
Open: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm0.15mi
Open: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm0.16mi