Hours Walmart - Herkimer, NY
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Walmart Supercenter is currently located at 103 North Caroline Street, in south-west Herkimer (near Oak Hill Cemetery). The store primarily provides service to customers from the areas of Mohawk and North Ilion. Hours are from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm today (Sunday). This page will give you all the information you need on Walmart Herkimer, NY, including the store hours, location info, customer experience and more beneficial info.
You'll find Walmart Supercenter easily accessible close to the intersection of North Caroline Street and West Albany Street, in Herkimer, New York.
Just a 1 minute drive from Exit 30 (New York State Thruway) of I-90, Bellinger Avenue, Park Avenue or State Highway 5; a 4 minute drive from Ny-5, South Caroline Street or New York State Thruway (I-90); and a 12 minute drive from Mohawk Street (Ny-28) and East Main Street (Ny-28).
If you plan to access this store by navigation systems, please use the address: 103 North Caroline Street, Herkimer, NY 13350.
By foot you'll discover Oak Hill Cemetery, Brookwood Park, Calvary Cemetery, Myers Park, Weller Park, Wehrum Stadium and Tony Bagetta Mini Park.
Walmart now operates 1 store in Herkimer, New York.
Click on the following link for a complete directory of Walmart stores near Herkimer.