Walmart - Farmington, Arkansas, AR

367 West Main StreetFarmingtonAR 72730Get directions

Hours Walmart - Farmington, Arkansas, AR


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Walmart - Farmington, Arkansas, AR - Hours & Store Details

Walmart Neighborhood Market occupies a location at 367 West Main Street, in the south-west area of Farmington (not far from Farmington Freshman Academy). This store is situated in a convenient location to serve the customers of Starks and Appleby. Its operating hours are 6:00 am until 11:00 pm today (Sunday). Read the specifics on this page for Walmart Farmington, Arkansas, AR, including the operating times, location description, product ranges and additional details.

Getting Here - West Main Street, Farmington

Walmart Neighborhood Market is situated at the main intersection of Grace Lane and West Main Street, in Farmington, Arkansas.

By car

Found within a 1 minute drive from Countryside Drive, South Angus Lane, Double Springs Road and US-62; a 4 minute drive from South Hunter Street (Ar-170), Ar-170 or East Main Street; or a 11 minute drive from North Broyles Street or Goose Creek Road. The address to use on your GPS navigators is 367 West Main Street, Farmington, AR 72730.

On foot

Within a couple miles you can come across Field 6, Farmington Sports Complex, Field 5 and Field 3.

Walmart Locations Nearby Farmington, AR

There is presently 1 Walmart grocery store open in Farmington, Arkansas. You are never far from a second Walmart! You will find more grocery stores at:

Visit this page for the entire list of all Walmart locations near Farmington.

Other Stores

Open: 6:00 am - 11:00 pm0.01mi
Open: 8:00 am - 2:00 am0.08mi
Open: 10:00 am - midnight0.19mi