Hours Walmart - Columbus, TX
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Walmart Christmas hours: On Christmas Eve, stores are open from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Stores are closed on Christmas Day, but we are open on all other holidays.
You'll find Walmart Store easily accessible at 2103 Milam Street, in the south region of Columbus (a few minutes walk from Columbus Community Hospital). The store is glad to serve customers within the areas of Cat Spring, Alleyton, Altair, Glidden and Rock Island. Its business hours are from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm today (Saturday). Hours, street address or direct contact number for Walmart Columbus, TX can be found on this page.
Walmart Store is located at the closest intersection of Milam Street and Shult Drive, in Columbus, Texas.
1 minute trip from Tx-71, Charter Street, Highway 71 or Exit 696 of I-10; a 5 minute drive from US-90, Walnut Street (US-90) and Fannin Street; or a 9 minute drive from Tx-71-F-Business or Columbus Loop.
To get to this store easily with GPS devices, key in the following address: 2103 Milam Street, Columbus, TX 78934.
The store is within easy walking distance to Columbus City Cemetery, Columbus Community Hospital, Columbus Elementary School, City Park and Beason's Park on the Colorado.
Including this store, Walmart now operates 1 branch in Columbus, Texas.
Visit this link for a complete directory of Walmart branches near Columbus.