Hours Verizon Wireless - Williamsport, PA
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You'll find Verizon Wireless in Loyal Plaza at 1931 East 3rd Street, within the east region of Williamsport. The store is glad to serve people within the locales of Muncy, Montoursville, Linden, Cogan Station, Dewart, Allenwood and Montgomery. Its business hours are 10:00 am - 5:00 pm today (Sunday). On this page you may find all the up-to-date information about Verizon Wireless Williamsport, PA, including the working times, street address, customer reviews, and more info.
Verizon Wireless can be found in an ideal position near the intersection of Westminster Drive and Nottingham Road, in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, at Loyal Plaza.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Tinsman Avenue, Homewood Avenue, East 3rd Street or Exit 25 (Susquehanna Beltway) of US-220; a 5 minute drive from South Northway Road, Susquehanna Beltway (US-220) or Washington Boulevard; or a 10 minute drive time from Sand Hill Road or Sylvan Dell Road.
To find the location easily with GPS devices, enter the following address: 1931 East 3rd Street, Williamsport, PA 17701.
Right now, Verizon Wireless operates 1 store in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
The entire directory of Verizon Wireless stores near Williamsport can be viewed here.
Visit Loyal Plaza today for a wide variety of quality stores and great offers.
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