Verizon Wireless is located within easy reach at 65920 Van Dyke Road, within the north-east part of Washington Township (by Romeo District Library). The store is situated in a convenient location to serve the people of Ray, Armada, Utica, Lakeville, Oakland, Washington, Romeo and Leonard. Today (Sunday), it's open from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm. Here you'll find some information about Verizon Wireless Washington Township, MI, including the hours, place of business address or product ranges.
Verizon Wireless sits near the intersection of 30 Mile Road and Van Dyke Road, in Washington Township, Michigan.
; a 3 minute drive from Windsor Drive, M 53 or Tara Hill Drive; or a 12 minute drive time from Salem Drive South and South Main Street. 65920 Van Dyke Road, Washington Township, MI 48095 is the address for those using route finder systems.
In the nearby area you may visit Romeo District Library, Summit Entertainment Center, Powell Cemetery and St Clement Catholic Church.
Verizon Wireless owns 1 existing store in Washington Township, Michigan.
Refer to this link for an entire listing of Verizon Wireless stores near Washington Township.
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