Hours Verizon Wireless - Salem, IL
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Verizon Wireless is located prominently at 1445B West Whittaker, within the west region of Salem. The store looks forward to serving the customers of Odin, Kell, Iuka, Patoka, Sandoval, Walnut Hill and Alma. Its business hours for today (Sunday) are from 11:00 am until 5:00 pm. On this page you'll find all the information about Verizon Wireless Salem, IL, including the hours of operation, local route, phone number or other beneficial info.
Verizon Wireless can be found close to the intersection of West Whittaker Street and Westgate Avenue, in Salem, Illinois.
Merely a 1 minute trip from West Blair, Exit 116 of I-57, West Main Street and Cross Creek Boulevard; a 3 minute drive from East Main Street (US-50), Baldridge Lane and South Broadway; or a 9 minute drive from North Broadway (Il-37) or Hull Circle.
For GPS devices the address for this location is 1445B West Whittaker, Salem, IL 62881.
The total number of Verizon Wireless branches currently operating in Salem, Illinois is 1.
For all Verizon Wireless locations near Salem, visit here.
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