Hours Verizon Wireless - Middletown, NJ
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Verizon Wireless can be found in a convenient location at 747 Highway 35, within the south-west area of Middletown (by Bicentennial Park). This store mainly serves the people in the locales of Fair Haven, Atlantic Highlands, Lincroft, Leonardo, Port Monmouth, Belford and Red Bank. If you plan to stop by today (Sunday), its store hours are 11:00 am - 5:00 pm. This page includes information for Verizon Wireless Middletown, NJ, including the hours of operation, address description and product ranges.
Verizon Wireless occupies a convenient space right near the intersection of Woodland Drive and Nj 35, in Middletown, New Jersey.
This store is prominently positioned a 1 minute trip from Augustus Drive, Carton Way, Nj-35 and Gillville Lane; a 5 minute drive from Middletown Lincroft Road, New Monmouth Road and Church Street; and a 8 minute drive from Bamm Hollow Road and Oak Hill Road.
The address to use on your route finder devices to get here is 747 Highway 35, Middletown, NJ 07748.
Customers can travel by train to Middletown Station (5660 ft away). Accessible by the line: North Jersey Coast.
In walking distance, you may come across Fairview Cemetery, Jay's Bus Service, Central Recieving for Middletown B.O.E, Middletown High School North, Applebrook Park, Middletown Marketplace, Bicentennial Park, Tindall Park and Corporal William A. Shulz Park.
Verizon Wireless has 1 store in Middletown, New Jersey.
Go to the following page for the full list of all Verizon Wireless locations near Middletown.
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