Hours TJ Maxx - Wyomissing, PA
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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TJ Maxx is located in an ideal spot in Berkshire Mall at 1101 Woodland Road, within the north-west area of Wyomissing (by First Church of the Brethren). The store is a terrific addition to the local businesses of Reinholds, Temple, Adamstown, Robesonia, Leesport, Reading, Wernersville and Mohnton. Today (Sunday), hours start at 10:00 am and end at 8:00 pm. Read the information on this page for TJ Maxx Wyomissing, PA, including the hours of operation, location info, phone info and more.
TJ Maxx is located in an ideal spot near the intersection of State Hill Road and Woodland Road, in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, at Berkshire Mall.
1 minute drive time from Berkshire Boulevard, Wingert Road, Valley Road and Colony Drive; a 4 minute drive from Warren Street Bypass (US-422), Penn Avenue (US-422) and Papermill Road; and a 9 minute drive time from US-222 and West Shore Bypass (US-422).
Please use 1101 Woodland Road, Wyomissing, PA 19610 for the location via navigation systems.
Around the store you'll discover Berkshire Mall, Wyomissing Hills Elementary School, Colony Park Playground and Wyomissing Hills Memorial Park.
At the time, TJ Maxx operates 1 department store in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania.
Visit this link for an entire directory of TJ Maxx locations near Wyomissing.
When visiting TJ Maxx, please be sure to take a look around the additional great stores at Berkshire Mall.
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