Hours TJ Maxx - Nimmo Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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TJ Maxx can be found in Red Mill Commons at 1169 Nimmo Parkway, in the south area of Virginia Beach (by Red Mill Commons). This department store looks forward to serving the customers of Prince George Estates, Culver Acres, Mayberry, Virginia Beach, Redmill Landing Apartments, Strawbridge, Nimmo and Heritage Park. It is open today (Sunday) from 10:00 am until 8:00 pm. Please see this page for further information regarding TJ Maxx Nimmo Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA, including the store hours, place of business address details and phone info.
TJ Maxx is situated in a convenient spot not far from the intersection of Nimmo Parkway and Upton Drive, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, at Red Mill Commons.
Merely a 1 minute trip from Sandbridge Road, Newstead Drive, Elson Green Avenue and Princess Anne Road; a 3 minute drive from Rising Sun Court, London Bridge Road and General Booth Boulevard; or a 12 minute drive time from Culver Lane or Sandbridge Road.
For drivers planning on using GPS systems to get here use the following address: 1169 Nimmo Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23456.
In walking distance, there is Redmill Landing, Nimmo Cemetery, Red Mills Farms Park, Sandbridge Commons and Red Mill Walk.
TJ Maxx has 3 operating locations in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Click here to open a full index of all TJ Maxx stores near Virginia Beach.
Visit Red Mill Commons today for a wide range of excellent stores and great offers.
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