Hours Target - 48th & O Street, Lincoln, NE
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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You can find Target at 333 North 48th Street, within the east section of Lincoln , in Hartley (nearby Doane University Lincoln Campus). The store is properly located for customers from Walton, Roca, Raymond, Eagle, Davey, Denton and Waverly. Today (Sunday), it's open from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm. Here you may find the times, street address or telephone number for Target 48th & O Street, Lincoln, NE.
Target is ideally located close to the intersection of North 46th Street and R Street, in Hartley, Lincoln.
1 minute drive from O Street, Q Street, North 48th Street and South 46th Street; a 5 minute drive from South Cotner Boulevard, Randolph Street and Vine Street; or a 8 minute drive time from Holdrege Street and A Street.
Address for GPS devices is 333 North 48th Street, Lincoln, NE 68504.
The train is frequently traveling to Train Depot Station (1.75 mi away).
By foot you will discover Wyuka Cemetery, Basketball Pitch, Stuhr Park, Calvary Cemetery, Midtown Commons Park and Soccer Pitch.
Target has 3 open department stores in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Refer to this link for a complete directory of every Target department store near Lincoln.
Related searches: Target 48th & R Street, Lincoln, NE; Target Lincoln