Hours Taco Bell - Louisburg Rd & Forestville Rd, Raleigh, NC
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Taco Bell is directly in Forestville Crossing Shopping Center at 8470 Louisburg Road, in the north-east section of Raleigh (by Forestville Crossing). The restaurant is a convenient addition to the areas of Wake Forest, Wendell, Youngsville, Zebulon, Knightdale and Rolesville. Today (on Sunday) it's open from 9:00 am until midnight. This page includes information for Taco Bell Louisburg Rd & Forestville Rd, Raleigh, NC, including the operating hours, address or phone info.
Taco Bell is conveniently located close to the intersection of Forestville Road and Oak Marsh Drive, in Raleigh, North Carolina, at Forestville Crossing Shopping Center.
Only a 1 minute drive time from Louisburg Road, Leland Drive, Darton Way and Casona Way; a 3 minute drive from Louisbury Road, South Main Street (US-401-Bus) or Mitchell Mill Road; or a 9 minute trip from Serendipity Drive or Scotch Drive.
When using GPS units to get here enter 8470 Louisburg Road, Raleigh, NC 27616.
There is presently a total number of 4 Taco Bell branches open in Raleigh. You're never too far from another Taco Bell! You can find more restaurants close by:
On the following link you can check an entire listing of Taco Bell stores near Raleigh.
When shopping at Taco Bell, don't forget to take a look around the additional high quality stores at Forestville Crossing Shopping Center.