Stihl - Arden Hills, MN

3527 North Lexington AvenueArden HillsMN 55126Get directions

Hours Stihl - Arden Hills, MN

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Stihl - Arden Hills, MN - Hours & Store Details

Stihl can be found in a convenient place at 3527 North Lexington Avenue, in the east part of Arden Hills (near #1200). The store is proud to provide service to people within the locales of Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Stillwater, Willernie, South Saint Paul, Circle Pines and Mendota. Its working hours are 9:00 am - 6:00 pm today (Sunday). Times, place of business address or direct phone for Stihl Arden Hills, MN can be found on this page.

Getting Here - North Lexington Avenue, Arden Hills

Stihl is found in a good place right near the intersection of Benton Way and Harriet Avenue, in Arden Hills, Minnesota.

By car

Simply a 1 minute trip from Churchill Street, West County Road East, Lexington Avenue North or Exit 42C of US-10; a 4 minute drive from Hamline Avenue North (Mn-51), Voyageur Highway (US-10) or I-694; or a 10 minute trip from West Lydia Avenue or US-10. When using route finder systems to get here enter 3527 North Lexington Avenue, Arden Hills, MN 55126.

By bus

Alight from the bus at Pine Tree Drive, Cr East, #1200 or #1080.

On foot

Other interesting places nearby are Arden Plaza, Northpark Corporate Center, Ambassador Baptist Church, Bobby Theisen Park, Hunters Park and Crepeau Nature Preserve.

Stihl Locations Nearby Arden Hills, MN

Presently Stihl owns 1 store in Arden Hills, Minnesota.

Visit this link for Stihl locations near Arden Hills.

Related searches: Stihl Frattallone'S Hardware And Garden - Arden Hills

Other Stores

Open: 10:00 am - midnight0.04mi
Open: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm0.11mi
Open: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm0.24mi