Hours Spencer's - Charlottesville, VA
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Spencer's is located in an ideal place on Charlottesville Fashion Square, within the north section of Charlottesville (a few minutes walk from Mall Drive At Royal Court). Patrons can easily travel here from Earlysville, Free Union, Ivy, Keswick and White Hall. If you plan to drop in today (Sunday), its operating times are from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Here you'll find the operating hours, local map or customer rating for Spencer's Charlottesville, VA.
Spencer's is positioned in the vicinity of the intersection of Mall Drive and Rio Road East, in Charlottesville, Virginia.
1 minute drive time from Rio Road West, Rio Hill Drive, Putt Putt Place and Albemarle Square; a 5 minute drive from Hydraulic Road, Earlysville Road and Seminole Trail (US-29); or a 11 minute drive time from Seminole Court and Zan Road.
Patrons that use GPS navigator systems should enter the address Charlottesville Fashion Square, Charlottesville, VA 22901 to get to this location.
Just a short walk from the bus stops at Mall Drive At Royal Court and Mall Drive At Hillsdale Drive.
In the neighbourhood you might find Northside Library, U-Stor-It Commercial, Albemarle Square, Charlottesville Fashion Square, Community Self Storage and 29th Place.
Spencer's has 1 open branch in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Click here to see an entire listing of Spencer's branches near Charlottesville.