Hours ShopRite - Livingston, NJ
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ShopRite occupies an ideal location at 483 South Livingston Avenue, in south-east Livingston (nearby St. Philomena Church). This store is glad to provide service to people within the locales of Millburn, East Hanover, West Orange, Florham Park, Short Hills, South Orange and Roseland. If you plan to visit today (Thursday), its hours of operation are 6:30 am - 11:00 pm. This page will provide you with all the information you need about ShopRite Livingston, NJ, including the times, address info, direct number and further essential details.
ShopRite is situated in a convenient position right near the intersection of South Livingston Avenue and Concord Drive, in Livingston, New Jersey.
Only a 1 minute drive time from Burnet Street, Plymouth Drive, East Northfield Road and Village Drive; a 3 minute drive from John F. Kennedy Parkway, North Livingston Avenue and South Orange Avenue; and a 12 minute drive time from East Cedar Street or West Mount Pleasant Avenue (Nj-10).
People that use GPS navigation devices should enter the address 483 South Livingston Avenue, Livingston, NJ 07039 to get to this location.
ShopRite runs 1 existing store in Livingston, New Jersey.
Visit the following page for all ShopRite stores near Livingston.
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