Hours Shaw's - Wakefield, RI
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Shaw's is located in a good place at 160 Old Tower Hill Road, in the east area of Wakefield (a few minutes walk from Wakefield Mall). The store is an important addition to the locales of Jamestown, Slocum, Kingston, Saunderstown, Kenyon, Peace Dale and Narragansett. Today’s operating times (Sunday) are from 7:00 am - 9:00 pm. Please see this page for the specifics on Shaw's Wakefield, RI, including the hours of operation, local map, telephone number and other info.
Shaw's can be found in a good location near the intersection of Old Tower Hill Road and Kelley Way, in Wakefield, Rhode Island.
Merely a 1 minute drive from Narragansett Avenue East, Macarthur Boulevard, Hampton Way or Camden Court; a 3 minute drive from Main Street, Tower Hill Road (US-1) or Post Road Freeway (US-1); and a 8 minute drive time from Old Point Judith Road (Ri-108) or Kingstown Road (Ri-108).
If you're using GPS navigator systems the address for this location is 160 Old Tower Hill Road, Wakefield, RI 02879.
Buses arrive at Wakefield Mall. The routes to travel here are: 66 and 65x.
If traveling by foot you might come across Wakefield Baptist Church, Peace Dale Public Library, South Kingstown High School, Big Sprague Field, Sprague Memorial Field, Peace Dale Village Green, Old Mountain Field, Narragansett Elementary School and Rock Spot Climbing.
At this moment, Shaw's owns 1 store in Wakefield, Rhode Island.
Access this link for an entire listing of Shaw's locations near Wakefield.
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