Hours Sam’s Club - Grand Blanc, MI
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Sam’s Club is found at 6160 South Saginaw Road, in north-west Grand Blanc (near to Al Serra Auto Plaza). The store is a significant addition to the areas of Atlas, Burton, Holly, Davison, Goodrich, Swartz Creek and Flint. If you plan to drop in today (Friday), its hours of business are from 10:00 am until 8:00 pm. On this page, you may find times, store location, email contact and more information about Sam’s Club Grand Blanc, MI.
You'll find Sam’s Club easily accessible close to the intersection of South Saginaw Road and Frederick Street, in Grand Blanc, Michigan.
Simply a 1 minute drive from South Dort Highway, Edwards Street and South Case Avenue; a 4 minute drive from South Saginaw Street, I-75 or I-475; or a 8 minute trip from Bella Vista Drive and Exit 111 of I-75.
If you plan to use GPS units to get here, enter 6160 South Saginaw Road, Grand Blanc, MI 48439.
In the nearby area there is Maple Cemetery, Rust Park, Crestwood Memorial Gardens, Evergreen Cemetery, Loch Lomond Golf Course, Al Serra Auto Plaza, First Baptist Church, Physician's Park and Grand Blanc Commons.
Currently, Sam’s Club operates 1 location in Grand Blanc, Michigan.
For a complete directory of Sam’s Club stores near Grand Blanc, go to the following link.