Jack in the Box Milpitas, CA

The total number of Jack in the Box branches currently operational near Milpitas, California is 11. These are all Jack in the Box locations in the area.

Jack in the Box Northwood Square, San Jose, CA

Open: 24 hours1.79 mi

Jack in the Box Milpitas, CA

Open: 24 hours1.85 mi

Jack in the Box Stevens Creek & Cypress, Santa Clara, CA

Open: 6:00 am - 3:00 am8.17 mi

Jack in the Box Newark, CA

Open: 24 hours8.69 mi

Jack in the Box Los Altos, CA

Open: 6:30 am - midnight11.72 mi

Jack in the Box Cupertino, CA

Open: 6:00 am - midnight11.82 mi