Hours Petco - Wooster, OH
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Petco can be found in Wooster Crossing at 3790 Burbank Road, in north Wooster (close to Wooster High School). This store is perfectly situated for people from Burbank, Orrville, Smithville, West Salem, Sterling, Creston and Apple Creek. Today (Sunday), operation begins at 10:00 am and ends at 7:00 pm. This page will supply you with all the information you need about Petco Wooster, OH, including the business times, store address info, direct phone and further essential details.
Petco is situated in an ideal location right near the intersection of Burbank Road and West Milltown Road, in Wooster, Ohio, at Wooster Crossing.
Simply a 1 minute drive from Commerce Park, Inverness Drive, Whitetail Crossing or Friendsville Road; a 5 minute drive from Dix Expressway, State Route 3 and State Route 83; or a 12 minute trip from Cleveland Road or East Smithville Western Road.
Users of route planners can enter the address 3790 Burbank Road, Wooster, OH 44691.
Just a short walk away you may visit Kean Elementary School, Oak Hill Park, Wooster High School and Freedlander Park.
At present, Petco runs 1 store in Wooster, Ohio.
Click on this page for the full index of all Petco stores near Wooster.
Please go see the wide range of stores in Wooster Crossing.
Related searches: Petco Wooster; Petco Burbank Rd, Wooster, OH