McDonald's - Uniontown, OH

3672 Massillon RoadUniontownOH 44685
Today: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Hours McDonald's - Uniontown, OH


Holiday Hours 2025 Show

Martin Luther King Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day
Christmas Eve
Easter Monday
Easter Saturday
Easter Sunday
Good Friday
Independence Day
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Thanksgiving Day


Sunday6:00 am - 11:00 pm

McDonald's - Uniontown, OH - Hours & Restaurant Details

McDonald's can be found at 3672 Massillon Road, within the west part of Uniontown (a few minutes walk from Boettler Business Park). This store mainly provides service to customers from the areas of Green, Lakemore, Canton, Hartville, Clinton, Greentown and Akron. Today (Sunday), restaurant hours begin at 8:00 am and end at 8:00 pm. On this page you can find all the information about McDonald's Uniontown, OH, including the working times, location details, customer feedback and further pertinent details.

Visit your local McDonald's branch not far from the intersection of Massillon Road, Thorn Drive and Corporate Woods Circle, in Uniontown, Ohio.

By car

This store is found within a 1 minute drive from Corporate Woods Parkway, Boettler Road, Exit 118 of I-77 and Sandy Knoll Drive; a 5 minute drive from South Arlington Road, Greensburg Road or East Turkeyfoot Lake Road; or a 8 minute drive from Heckman Road or Wise Road.

If you are planning your journey, enter 3672 Massillon Road, Uniontown, OH 44685 into your route finder devices.

On foot

In walking distance, you may come across Ohio Prestwick Country Club, Town Park Center, Mayfair Country Club, Forest Lake Park, Central Park, Heritage Crossings, Akron-Summit County Public Library - Green Branch, Green High School Stadium and Boettler Business Park.

The total number of McDonald's locations presently operational in Uniontown, Ohio is 1.

Click here for the full index of all McDonald's branches near Uniontown.

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Open: 12:00 am - 11:59 pm0.06mi
Open: 24 hours0.09mi