Hours McDonald's - Jonesville, FL
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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McDonald's is located within easy reach at 14124 West Newberry Road, within the east section of Newberry (not far from West Hills Memorial Gardens). The restaurant primarily serves the people in the locales of Jockey Club, Arbor Greens, Alachua, Town of Tioga, Gainesville, south point, Archer and Amariah Park. If you'd like to stop by today (Sunday), its hours are from 5:00 am - 11:00 pm. Refer to this page for information on McDonald's Jonesville, FL, including the hours of business, location info, customer reviews and more.
McDonald's is found in an ideal spot right near the intersection of Southwest 140th Terrace and Northwest 140th Terrace, in Newberry, Florida.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Northwest 2nd Lane and Northwest 138th Terrace; a 4 minute drive from Southwest 3rd Place, Northwest 156th Way or Northwest 6th Road; and a 8 minute trip from Northwest 156 Drive and Southwest 122nd Drive.
If using navigation systems, enter the address: 14124 West Newberry Road, Newberry, FL 32669.
At the time, McDonald's operates 1 store in Newberry, Florida. Other stores for McDonald's, can be found here:
Look over an entire directory of McDonald's locations near Newberry.