Hours McDonald's - Coral Gables, FL
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McDonald's can be found in an ideal spot at 1148 Dixie Highway, within the south-west part of Coral Gables (near to University Station). The restaurant provides service primarily to the areas of Miami Beach, Miami, Hialeah and Key Biscayne. If you plan to drop by today (Sunday), its working hours are from 6:00 am until 11:00 pm. Please review the sections on this page about McDonald's Coral Gables, FL, including the restaurant hours, directions, email contact and more info.
McDonald's is located in a good place near the intersection of Southwest 40th Street, Dixie Highway and South Dixie Highway, in Coral Gables, Florida.
Only a 1 minute drive time from Ponce De Leon Boulevard, Maynada Street, Stanford Drive or Madruga Avenue; a 4 minute drive from Southwest 42nd Avenue, Fl 959 / Southwest 57th Avenue/Red Road and South Alhambra Circle; or a 11 minute trip from Southwest 57th Avenue (Fl-959) or Southwest 40th Street (Fl-976).
If you're using route finder systems the address for this location is 1148 Dixie Highway, Coral Gables, FL 33141.
The closest bus stops are at Gables One Tower, Ponce De Leon Boulevard & Stanford Drive, Stanford Circle or University Station. You can get here by lines: 56 and 500.
The local metro runs directly to University Station (850 ft), South Miami Station (1.31 mi) and Douglas Road Station (1.86 mi away). The closest lines: Orange and Green.
The restaurant is a short walk to Jaycee Park, Foote University Green, University Center, Lakeside Patio Stage, Florida Keys Arboretum and Paseo de la Riviera.
At present, McDonald's operates 1 store in Coral Gables, Florida.
Go to the following link for a complete directory of McDonald's stores near Coral Gables.
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