Madrag - Columbus, GA

3759 Victory DriveColumbusGA 31903Get directions

Hours Madrag - Columbus, GA

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Madrag - Columbus, GA - Hours & Store Details

Madrag MadRag is found in an ideal location in Traffic Circle Plaza Shopping Center at 3759 Victory Drive, in the south-east section of Columbus (a few minutes walk from Judah Church). This store is properly situated to serve customers from the areas of Fort Benning, Midland, Fort Mitchell and Phenix City. If you plan to stop by today (Sunday), its working times are 11:00 am until 6:00 pm. On this page you can find all the pertinent information about Madrag Columbus, GA, including the times, store address info and direct contact number.

Getting Here - Victory Drive, Columbus

You will find Madrag MadRag currently situated not far from the intersection of Shelby Street and Victory Drive, in Columbus, Georgia, at Traffic Circle Plaza Shopping Center.

By car

This store is found within a 1 minute drive from Douglas Street, Ticknor Drive, Fort Benning Road and Patton Drive; a 3 minute drive from US-280, Lindsey Creek Parkway or Exit 1B of I-185; and a 9 minute drive from I-185 or Antietam Drive. If you are using route planners use 3759 Victory Drive, Columbus, GA 31903.

On foot

If traveling by foot you might come across William H. Spencer High School, Lindsey Park, Baker Village Library, Frank Lloyd Elementary School, Morris R McBride Elementary School, Judah Church, South Lumpkin Park and Moses Cemetery on Esquiline Hill.

Madrag Locations Nearby Columbus, GA

There is currently 1 Madrag location open in Columbus, Georgia.

Visit the following page for the full index of all Madrag stores near Columbus.

Traffic Circle Plaza Shopping Center

During your visit to Madrag, you can also explore the wide range of stores in Traffic Circle Plaza Shopping Center.

Other Stores

Open: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm0.21mi
Open: 6:00 am - 11:00 pm0.52mi
Open: 10:00 am - midnight1.86mi