Hours Kroger - Hwy 380 and Custer Road, Prosper, TX
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Kroger can be found on W University Dr, within the east area of Prosper (nearby Aviator Park). The store primarily serves customers from the areas of Weston, Mckinney, Frisco, Plano, Celina, Allen and Melissa. Store hours, local directions or telephone number for Kroger Hwy 380 and Custer Road, Prosper, TX can be found here.
Kroger occupies a spot close to the intersection of West University Drive and County Road 852, in Prosper, Texas.
Only a 1 minute drive time from Wade Haven Court, East University Drive (US-380), North Custer Road or Winter Haven Lane; a 5 minute drive from Virginia Parkway, Saint Gabriel Way or Peregrine Drive; or a 8 minute trip from South Virginia Hills Drive and Skywagon Drive.
For navigation systems the address is W University Dr, Prosper, TX 75078.
In walking distance, there is Aviator Park, Carey Cox Memorial Park, Westridge Golf Course, Stonebridge Academy, Wilmeth Elementary School, Tucker Hill Amenities Center, Aero Country Airport, Stonebridge Ranch and Hunt Cemetery.
Right now, Kroger owns 3 stores in Prosper, Texas.
For more Kroger go to the following link for an entire listing of all locations near Prosper.