Jersey Mike's Subs is to open the new location in 2025. Check back here for adjustments to the opening date schedule.
Jersey Mike's Subs occupies a prime position at 16220 Marketplace Boulevard, within the south region of Bowie. The restaurant looks forward to serving the customers of Glenn Dale, Davidsonville, Upper Marlboro, Riva, Hyattsville, Lothian and Harwood. For other information about Jersey Mike's Subs Marketplace Blvd & Robert S. Crain Hwy, Bowie, MD, including the business hours, address and direct contact number, please refer to the sections on this page.
Visit Jersey Mike's Subs close to the intersection of South East Crain Highway and Pleasant Colony Drive, in Bowie, Maryland.
Just a 1 minute trip from South East Crain Highway (US-301); a 4 minute drive from Old Central Avenue, Hall Road or North West Crain Highway; or a 9 minute drive from Devonwood Drive and Jennings Mill Drive. To find the location easily with GPS units, enter the following address: 16220 Marketplace Boulevard, Bowie, MD 20716.
Currently, Jersey Mike's Subs owns 2 branches in Bowie, Maryland.
Go to this link with a complete listing of Jersey Mike's Subs restaurants near Bowie.