Hours Jack in the Box - Ennis, TX
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Jack in the Box Store is located within easy reach at 1102 Ennis Avenue, within the north-east part of Ennis (nearby Miller School). The restaurant provides service primarily to the areas of Palmer, Bardwell, Rice and Waxahachie. If you plan to drop by today (Sunday), its operating times are 24 hours. On this page, you may find operating times, street address, customer rating and more information about Jack in the Box Ennis, TX.
You'll find Jack in the Box Store ideally located close to the intersection of Erwin Drive and East Ennis Avenue, in Ennis, Texas.
Just a 1 minute drive time from South Elm Street, Exit 251B of I-45, North Interstate 45 and East Brown Street; a 3 minute drive from North Kaufman Street (I-45-Business), Creechville Road (Tx-34) and South Kaufman Street (Tx-34); or a 9 minute drive time from Lake Bardwell Drive (Tx-34) and Old Dallas Highway.
The address to use on your GPS devices to get here is 1102 Ennis Avenue, Ennis, TX 75119.
At this moment, Jack in the Box operates 1 store in Ennis, Texas.
At this link you can check a complete directory of Jack in the Box locations near Ennis.