Hours IKEA - Canton, MI
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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IKEA is found in an ideal location at 41640 Ford Rd,, in the north-east part of Canton (nearby Life Time Fitness). This furniture store looks forward to serving the people of Garden City, Northville, Westland, Inkster, Livonia, Plymouth and Wayne. If you plan to visit today (Friday), it is open 10:00 am - 10:00 pm. This page will provide you with all the information you need about IKEA Canton, MI, including the hours of operation, store address details, direct number and additional essential details.
Visit IKEA right near the intersection of Raintree Drive and Greenwood Drive, in Canton, Michigan.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Exit 25 of I-275, Haggerty Road, Ford Road or Hanford Road; a 3 minute drive from Warren Road, Sheldon Center Road and North Lotz Road; or a 10 minute drive time from South Lilley Road and Cherry Hill Road.
To get here easily with GPS systems, use the following address: 41640 Ford Rd,, Canton, MI 48187.
Around this furniture store you'll find Barchester Park, Windsor Park, Flodin Park & Fellows Creek Wetland Nature Trail, Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport, Life Covenant Church, Hulsing Elementary School, Life Time Fitness, Green Meadow and Holliday Nature Preserve.
At present, IKEA has 1 store in Canton, Michigan.
For the entire list of all IKEA stores near Canton, refer here.
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