Hardee's - Ottawa, IL

2625 Columbus StreetOttawaIL 61350Get directions

Hours Hardee's - Ottawa, IL


Holiday Hours 2025

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Hardee's - Ottawa, IL - Hours & Restaurant Details

Hardee's Store is situated in an ideal location at 2625 Columbus Street, in the north part of Ottawa (close to Oakwood Memorial Cemetery). This store is situated in a convenient area that chiefly serves the people of Seneca, Utica, Serena, Marseilles, Grand Ridge and Wedron. Hours of operation today (Sunday) are from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. This page includes hours of business, map and customer feedback for Hardee's Ottawa, IL.

Getting Here - Columbus Street, Ottawa

Hardee's Store occupies a convenient place close to the intersection of Columbus Street and Kain Street, in Ottawa, Illinois.

By car

This store is located within a 1 minute drive time from Jd Road, Oakridge Drive, Exit 90 of I-80 or Meadow Lane; a 3 minute drive from East 17th Road, East Norris Drive (Il-71) or West Norris Drive (US-6); and a 10 minute trip from North 31st Road or West Dayton Road. The address to use on your GPS navigation devices to get find the location is 2625 Columbus Street, Ottawa, IL 61350.

Hardee's Locations Nearby Ottawa, IL

At the moment, Hardee's has 1 restaurant in Ottawa, Illinois.

Browse this page for the entire list of all Hardee's restaurants near Ottawa.

Other Stores

Open: 10:30 am - 9:00 pm0.07mi
Open: 5:00 am - 10:00 pm0.08mi
Open: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm0.09mi