Hardee's - East Moline, IL

4008 Kennedy DriveEast MolineIL 61244Get directions

Hours Hardee's - East Moline, IL


Holiday Hours 2025

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Hardee's - East Moline, IL - Hours & Restaurant Details

Hardee's Store is found in a good spot at 4008 Kennedy Drive, within the south-west area of East Moline (a few minutes walk from Wells School). The restaurant is a great addition to the local businesses of Carbon Cliff, Moline, Coal Valley, Silvis, Hampton, Bettendorf and Rock Island. Today (Saturday), operating times start at 6:00 am and continue until 10:00 pm. Read the information on this page for Hardee's East Moline, IL, including the times, restaurant address, telephone number and more info.

Getting Here - Kennedy Drive, East Moline

Hardee's Store can be found in a good location near the intersection of 41st Avenue and Kennedy Drive, in East Moline, Illinois.

By car

Just a 1 minute drive time from 38th Avenue, 39th Avenue, Avenue of The Cities or 40th Avenue; a 5 minute drive from 17th Avenue, 18th Avenue and 7th Street; or a 9 minute trip from 4th Avenue or John Deere Road (Il-5). Enter the address 4008 Kennedy Drive, East Moline, IL 61244 when using GPS navigator systems to get here.

On foot

Just a short walk away you might come across YMCA Sports Centre, Mitchell Park, First Christian Church and Wiman Park.

Hardee's Locations Nearby East Moline, IL

Currently, Hardee's operates 1 store in East Moline, Illinois.

For more Hardee's go to the following link for a complete directory of all restaurants near East Moline.

Other Stores

Open: 8:00 am - 10:00 pm0.12mi
Open: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm0.19mi
Open: 6:00 am - midnight0.20mi