Hours Harbor Freight Tools - Paris, TN
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Harbor Freight Tools lies at 1150 Mineral Wells Avenue, on the south-east side of Paris (near Fairview Baptist Church). The store is located in a convenient district that principally serves the people of Puryear, Mansfield, Springville, Cottage Grove, Como and Henry. If you plan to drop by today (Sunday), its working hours are from 9:00 am until 6:00 pm. For more information about Harbor Freight Tools Paris, TN, including the hours of business, directions and email address, please refer to the sections on this page.
Harbor Freight Tools is found close to the intersection of Mineral Wells Avenue, State Route 77 and Memorial Drive, in Paris, Tennessee.
The store is found within a 1 minute drive from Fairview Place, Russell Street, Industrial Park Lane or Fairview Street; a 5 minute drive from Veterans Drive, Memorial Drive (US-641) and Austin Peay Memorial Highway; or a 8 minute trip from Tyson Avenue (US-79) and East Wood Street.
1150 Mineral Wells Avenue, Paris, TN 38242 is the address for customers using route finder systems.
By foot you might visit Henry County High School, Maplewood Cemetery, Paris First Baptist Church, Ogburn Park, Paris City Cemetery, Barton Field, Eiffel Tower Park, Fairview Baptist Church and Henry County Medical Center.
There is currently 1 Harbor Freight Tools hardware store open in Paris, Tennessee.
Access this link for an entire directory of Harbor Freight Tools locations near Paris.