Hours Giant Eagle - West Patrick Street, , Frederick, MD
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Giant Eagle can be found in Frederick Shoppers World at 1275 West Patrick Street, in the west part of Frederick (a few minutes walk from Westridge Retail). This store is an excellent addition to the local businesses of Braddock Heights, Buckeystown, Adamstown, Middletown, Walkersville, Jefferson and New Market. 6:00 am until 10:00 pm are its business times for today (Monday). Refer to this page for information about Giant Eagle West Patrick Street, , Frederick, MD, including the business times, store address details, direct contact number and more.
Giant Eagle is situated in an ideal spot near the intersection of Willowdale Drive and West Patrick Street, in Frederick, Maryland, at Frederick Shoppers World.
Just a 1 minute trip from Exit 13B (Frederick Freeway) of US-15, Hill Street, Hillcrest Drive and Key Parkway; a 3 minute drive from Exit 52A of I-70, US-40 or Frederick Freeway (US-15); or a 11 minute drive from South Jefferson Street (US-340) or Jefferson National Pike (US-340).
If using GPS systems, enter 1275 West Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21702 to get here.
The train is reachable from Frederick Station (2.54 mi away). The closest line is the MARC.
Just a short walk away there is Willowdale Rock Creek & Waterford Parks, Islamic Society of Frederick, Hillcrest Corner, Vista Shops, Frederick County Square and Way Off Broadway Dinner Theatre.
There is currently a total number of 2 Giant Eagle branches operational in Frederick, Maryland. Do you love Giant Eagle? You can find more stores located at:
Display the entire list of all Giant Eagle stores near Frederick.
While shopping at Giant Eagle, be sure to look in on the wide collection of interesting stores in Frederick Shoppers World. Located in this center you'll also find Dollar General, Giant Eagle and other possibilities.