Hours Fry's Food - West Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ
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Fry's Food can be found in a convenient location at 4329 West Northern Avenue, on the north-east side of Glendale, in Trends '84 (nearby 15076). Patrons can easily travel here from Avondale, El Mirage, Luke Air Force Base, Phoenix, Youngtown, Peoria and Sun City. Working times today (Sunday) are from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. Read the specifics on this page for Fry's Food West Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ, including the hours of operation, address details, email contact and more.
You will find Fry's Food prominently situated immediately near the intersection of North 44th Avenue and West Northern Avenue, in Trends '84, Glendale.
This grocery store is prominently located a 1 minute drive time from West Harmont Drive, West Royal Palm Road, West Hayward Avenue or North 45th Avenue; a 3 minute drive from North 50th Drive, North 48th Lane or Grand Avenue; or a 10 minute drive time from North New World Drive or West Palo Verde Avenue.
Address for route planners is 4329 West Northern Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85301.
You can catch the buses directly to 15018, 18658, 15076 and 12637. These services will bring you here: 43 NB and 43 SB.
In walking distance, you might discover Manzanita School, Palo Verde Middle School, Horizon Park, Hoshoni Park, Delicias Park, Apollo Plaza, Horizon School, Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church and Apollo High School.
There is presently a total number of 9 Fry's Food locations open in Glendale.
For more Fry's Food visit this following page for an entire list of all grocery stores near Glendale.