Hours Food Lion - Rosehill Road & 401, Fayetteville, NC
Holiday Hours 2024 Show
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Food Lion is set at 3300 Rosehill Road, in the north region of Fayetteville. This grocery store is situated in a convenient area that chiefly serves the people of Hope Mills, Spring Lake, Wade, Linden, Pope Army Airfield, Cumberland and Fort Bragg. Today (Tuesday), hours of operation start at 7:00 am and continue until 10:00 pm. Please see this page for additional information regarding Food Lion Rosehill Road & 401, Fayetteville, NC, including the hours, map and direct telephone.
Visit Food Lion immediately near the intersection of Hilton Drive and Rosehill Road, in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
This grocery store is prominently located a 1 minute drive time from Thorndike Drive, Country Club Drive, Clearwater Drive or Arrowood Road; a 5 minute drive from Pamalee Drive, Murchison Road or Ramsey Street (US-401-Business); or a 10 minute drive time from Fayetteville Outer Loop (I-295) or Mcarthur Road.
If you are using GPS navigation devices the address for this location is 3300 Rosehill Road, Fayetteville, NC 28311.
On foot there is Lafayette Memorial Park, Tokay Tennis Courts, Northwood Temple Church, Circle Court Church, Reid Ross Classical School, Tokay Park, College Lakes Park, Tokay Athletic Complex and VA Medical Center.
Food Lion has 16 operating branches in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
For the entire list of all Food Lion supermarkets near Fayetteville, refer here.