Hours Food Lion - Newberry, SC
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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You'll find Food Lion currently located at 1821 Wilson Road, in the north-east area of Newberry (near Newberry County Memorial Hospital). People can easily get here from Silverstreet, Pomaria, Prosperity and Kinards. Today (Sunday), hours start at 7:00 am and end at 10:00 pm. Refer to this page for information on Food Lion Newberry, SC, including the times, local directions, direct phone and more.
Food Lion is located at the major intersection of Wilson Road and Kinard Street, in Newberry, South Carolina.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Commerce Drive, Pondfield Road, Evans Street or Alex Avenue; a 4 minute drive from Winnsboro Road, College Street (Sc-121) and Main Street; and a 8 minute trip from I-26 and State Highway 121 (Sc-121).
For navigation systems the address for this location is 1821 Wilson Road, Newberry, SC 29108.
By foot you'll find Nosegay Park, Newberry College, Piedmont Technical College, Newberry County Memorial Hospital, Rosemont Cemetery, Harrington Street Historic District, Smith Road Baseball Complex, Newberry College Tennis Courts and Setzler Field.
Right now, Food Lion owns 1 store in Newberry, South Carolina.
Visit the following link for an entire listing of Food Lion stores near Newberry.