Hours Food Lion - Edenton, NC
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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You will find Food Lion situated in an ideal location in Chowan Crossing Shopping Center at 300-C Virginia Road, within the north part of Edenton (close to Vidant Chowan Hospital). This grocery store is an excellent addition to the local businesses of Merry Hill, Roper, Tyner and Hertford. Today (Friday), working times start at 6:00 am and end at 11:00 pm. This page will supply you with all the information you need about Food Lion Edenton, NC, including the business times, store address info, direct phone and further significant details.
Food Lion is set immediately near the intersection of West Hicks Street and Virginia Road, in Edenton, North Carolina, at Chowan Crossing Shopping Center.
Simply a 1 minute trip from North Granville Street, Stradford Road, Exit 227 (Ocean Highway) of US-17 and 2nd Street; a 4 minute drive from North Broad Street (Nc-32), Ocean Highway (US-17) or West Queen Street (US-17-Business); or a 9 minute trip from Broad Street (US-17-Business) and East Church Street (Nc-32).
If you are using route planners please enter this address: 300-C Virginia Road, Edenton, NC 27932.
In the nearby area you might discover Water Street Park, Pembroke Creek Park, Queen Anne's Park, Vidant Chowan Hospital, Historic Edenton State Historic Site, Beaver Hill Cemetery and Chowan Hospital Heliport.
Including this store, Food Lion now runs 1 location in Edenton, North Carolina.
For more Food Lion locations near Edenton, navigate to this page.
While shopping at Food Lion, please take a look at the wide range of stores in Chowan Crossing Shopping Center.