Hours Family Dollar - Paddock Lake, WI
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Family Dollar is found at 25100 75th Street, within the south-west section of Paddock Lake (near to Westosha Central High School). The store provides service mainly to the districts of Camp Lake, Wilmot, Trevor, Bristol, Salem, Woodworth, Silver Lake and Benet Lake. Hours of business today (Sunday) are from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. Please see this page for other information regarding Family Dollar Paddock Lake, WI, including the operating hours, address or direct telephone.
You'll find Family Dollar in the vicinity of the intersection of 250th Avenue and 74th Street, in Paddock Lake, Wisconsin.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from State Highway 75 (Wi-75), State Highway 50 and State Highway 83 (Wi-83); a 5 minute drive from Bassett Road, Silver Lake Road and 85th Place; and a 12 minute drive from 240th Avenue and 232nd Avenue.
Enter the address 25100 75th Street, Paddock Lake, WI 53168 when using GPS units to get to this location.
In the nearby area you may discover Senior Citizens Park, McAlonan Park, Westosha Central High School, Pathway Glen Park, Christ Lutheran Church, Hoag Park, Old Settlers Park, Westosha Lakes Church and Village Park.
The total number of Family Dollar locations presently operating in Paddock Lake, Wisconsin is 1.
Go to the following link for a complete listing of Family Dollar stores near Paddock Lake.