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DSW - Wyomissing, PA

1101 Woodland RoadWyomissingPA 19610
Today: 11:00 am - 7:00 pm

Hours DSW - Wyomissing, PA

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap

DSW - Wyomissing, PA - Hours & Store Details

You can find DSW in Berkshire Mall at 1101 Woodland Road, in the north-west part of Wyomissing (nearby Miller-Motte College-Berks Technical Institute). This store is an added feature to the locales of Leesport, Adamstown, Reading, Temple, Reinholds, Blandon, Wernersville and Mohnton. If you plan to swing by today (Sunday), it is open 11:00 am - 7:00 pm. Refer to this page for the specifics on DSW Wyomissing, PA, including the business hours, location details, direct number and further essential information.

DSW lies right near the intersection of Ridgewood Road and Woodland Road, in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, at Berkshire Mall.

By car

Just a 1 minute drive time from State Hill Road, Berkshire Boulevard, Wingert Road and Greenwood Mall; a 5 minute drive from Van Reed Road, Warren Street Bypass (US-422) or Papermill Road; and a 10 minute drive from US-222 or Penn Avenue (US-422).

The address for your route finder devices is 1101 Woodland Road, Wyomissing, PA 19610.

On foot

Within a couple miles you may discover Colony Park Playground, Wyomissing Hills Memorial Park, Wyomissing Hills Elementary Center, Miller-Motte College-Berks Technical Institute, Spring Ridge Elementary School, Berkshire Heights Elementary School, The Shoppes at Wyomissing, Berkshire Heights Playground and Wyomissing Church of the Brethren.

The total number of DSW stores currently open in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania is 1.

For more DSW branches near Wyomissing, go here.

While at DSW, please explore the other fine quality stores in Berkshire Mall.

Open: 9:00 am - 10:00 pm0.01mi
Open: 10:00 am - 7:00 pm0.01mi
Open: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm0.06mi