Hours Dollar General - Pulaski Highway, Bear, DE
Holiday Hours 2024 Show
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All stores are closed on Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve, hours are reduced, while on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, they remain open.
Dollar General can be found at 1679 Pulaski Highway, in the west area of Bear (near to Salem Center). The store is situated in a convenient location for customers from Delaware City, Kirkwood, Elkton, New Castle, Wilmington, Saint Georges and Newark. If you plan to stop by today (Wednesday), its operating times are from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm. Please see the various sections on this page for specifics on Dollar General Pulaski Highway, Bear, DE, including the store hours, store address, email contact and more information about the store.
Dollar General is currently found close to the intersection of Pulaski Highway and Salem Church Road, in Bear, Delaware.
Simply a 1 minute trip from Glasgow Drive, Quince Drive, Sophia Drive and South Belttown Drive; a 4 minute drive from Sunset Lake Road, Bear Corbitt Road (De-7) or Wrangle Hill Road; or a 12 minute trip from Red Lion Road (De-71) or Reybold Road.
For GPS navigator systems please enter the following address to get to this location: 1679 Pulaski Highway, Bear, DE 19701.
If traveling by foot you might visit Salem Center, Country Creek Park, William A. Oberle Jr. Elementary School, Becks Pond County Park, Glasgow Park, Wellington Woods Park, May B. Leasure Elementary School, Sunset Station and Forest Knoll at Wellington Woods Park.
There is currently a total number of 3 Dollar General locations operating in Bear, Delaware.
Visit this link for a complete directory of Dollar General branches near Bear.