Hours Dollar General - Pomona, KS
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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You can find Dollar General at 409 West Franklin Street, within the west area of Pomona (close to Woodlawn Cemetery). The store is properly located to serve customers from the areas of Lyndon, Vassar, Ottawa, Quenemo, Melvern and Williamsburg. 8:00 am until 10:00 pm are its business hours for today (Sunday). Here you may find some information about Dollar General Pomona, KS, including the business times, street address or contact details.
Dollar General is found close to the intersection of West Franklin Street and Hayes Street, in Pomona, Kansas.
The store is found within a 1 minute drive from Adams Street, Jefferson Street, West 2nd Street and Hoover Street; a 4 minute drive from Ks-68, Mobile Road or East Franklin Street; and a 10 minute drive time from Arkansas Terrace and Osborne Road.
If using GPS devices, enter 409 West Franklin Street, Pomona, KS 66076.
In the neighbourhood you might visit Woodlawn Cemetery.
Today, Dollar General operates 1 location in Pomona, Kansas.
Go to the following link for Dollar General stores near Pomona.