Hours Dollar General - Plainville, CT
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All stores are closed on Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve, hours are reduced, while on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, they remain open.
Dollar General is found in an ideal position at 354 East Street, within the south part of Plainville (by Norton Park). This store is available for the people of New Britain, Southington, Farmington, Unionville, Plantsville, Pequabuck and Bristol. Today’s business times (Sunday) are from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm. On this page you can find all the up-to-date information about Dollar General Plainville, CT, including the working times, place of business address details, direct contact number, and further details.
Dollar General is currently positioned not far from the intersection of East Street and Bartlett Street, in Plainville, Connecticut.
This store is currently situated a 1 minute drive from Park Avenue, Basswood Street, Riverview Drive and Twining Street; a 5 minute drive from Pine Street, Queen Street (Ct-10) or Exit 33 of I-84; and a 10 minute drive time from Exit 3;4 of Ct-72 and Farmington Avenue (Ct-10).
Users of GPS systems should enter the following address when traveling here: 354 East Street, Plainville, CT 06062.
Nearby you'll come across Quinnipiac Park, Plainville High School, Sunset Rock State Park Scenic Reserve, Plainville Public Library, Norton Park Skate Park, Trumbull Park, East Cemetery, Linden Street School and Veteran's Memorial Park.
The total number of Dollar General stores presently open in Plainville, Connecticut is 1.
At this page you can look over the full index of all Dollar General variety stores near Plainville.