Hours Dollar General - Palisade, CO
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Dollar General can be found in an ideal spot at 607 Elberta Avenue, within the south-west part of Palisade (not far from Peach Bowl Park). The variety store is an outstanding addition to the local businesses of Grand Junction, Whitewater, Clifton and Mount Lincoln. Its working hours for today (Monday) are 8:00 am - 9:00 pm. This page will provide you with all the information you need on Dollar General Palisade, CO, including the operating hours, directions, direct telephone and more info.
You'll find Dollar General ideally located near the intersection of West Eighth Street and Elberta Avenue, in Palisade, Colorado.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Exit 42 of I-70, G Road, West Fifth Street and Vineyard Avenue; a 4 minute drive from West Eighth Street (US-6), I-70 or Front Street (US-6); and a 9 minute trip from E½ / East 1/2 Road or F Road.
607 Elberta Avenue, Palisade, CO 81526 is the address for this location when using route finder systems.
Within a couple miles you can come across River Bend Park, Taylor Elementary School, Rose Garden, Tillman Bishop State Wildlife Area and Veterans Memorial Park.
Currently, Dollar General operates 1 discount store in Palisade, Colorado.
On the following link you can find a complete directory of Dollar General locations near Palisade.