Hours Dollar General - Overton, TX
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Dollar General is found at 602 South Commerce Street, within the south area of Overton (near Overton Football Field). The store serves customers primarily from the neighborhoods of Arp, Selman City, Kilgore, New London, Laird Hill, Price and Joinerville. Today (Sunday), hours start at 7:00 am and continue until 10:00 pm. Please review the information on this page for Dollar General Overton, TX, including the operating times, location info or email address.
Dollar General is located in a good spot near the intersection of Commerce Street and Brandon Street East, in Overton, Texas.
Just a 1 minute trip from West Darnell Street, Mundy Street, East Washington Street or South Front Street; a 5 minute drive from Mckay, Commerce Street (Tx-135) or Highway 323 (Tx-323); and a 12 minute drive from Tx-323 or Tx-135.
If you're using navigation systems use 602 South Commerce Street, Overton, TX 75684.
By foot you'll find Overton Football Field.
There is presently 1 Dollar General store open in Overton, Texas.
Click on the following link for an entire directory of Dollar General stores near Overton.