Hours Dollar General - Manistique, MI
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Visit your local Dollar General branch at 730 East Lakeshore Drive, within the south-east area of Manistique (near to Lakeview Park). The variety store is perfectly located to serve people from the locale of Gulliver. Business hours are from 8:00 am - 10:00 pm today (Sunday). Here you may find the operating times, street address or phone number for Dollar General Manistique, MI.
Dollar General is set near the intersection of Veterans Lane, West Lakeshore Drive and East Lakeshore Drive, in Manistique, Michigan.
The variety store is merely a 1 minute trip from Park Avenue, Stueben Street, Cattaraugus Street or Range Street; a 3 minute drive from West Lakeshore Drive (US-2), Deer Street or South Maple Street; or a 12 minute drive time from North 5th Street and East Elk Street.
The address for your GPS devices is: 730 East Lakeshore Drive, Manistique, MI 49854.
By foot there is First Baptist Church, Manistique Central Park, St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church and Divine Infant of Prague Mission, Lakeview Park, First United Methodist Church, Lakeview Cemetery, Emerald Elementary School, Manistique Middle and High School and Presbyterian Church of The Redeemer.
Right now, Dollar General operates 1 location in Manistique, Michigan.
For a complete directory of Dollar General stores near Manistique, go to the link provided.