Hours Dollar General - Lancaster, KY
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Dollar General is positioned at 302 Stanford Street, in the south part of Lancaster (nearby Lancaster United Medodist Church). This store is glad to serve customers within the areas of Bryantsville, Paint Lick, Danville and Stanford. 8:00 am until 10:00 pm are its hours of operation today (Sunday). Please review the sections on this page about Dollar General Lancaster, KY, including the working times, map, direct number and additional details.
Dollar General is conveniently found not far from the intersection of Highland Avenue and Stanford Street, in Lancaster, Kentucky.
Merely a 1 minute drive from Tinder Avenue, Veterans Street, Crab Orchard Road and South Campbell Street; a 3 minute drive from Lexington Road, Richmond Road or Danville Road (Ky-52); and a 11 minute trip from East Maple Avenue (Ky-39) and Buckeye Road (Ky-39).
If you are using GPS navigation devices the address for this location is 302 Stanford Street, Lancaster, KY 40444.
In the vicinity you will discover Garrard Middle School, Lancaster United Medodist Church, Lancaster Elementary School, Anderson Family Cemetery, Lancaster Cemetery and jaycees park.
Dollar General has 1 location in Lancaster, Kentucky.
Click on the following page for the full list of all Dollar General stores near Lancaster.