Hours Dollar General - Kingman, IN
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Dollar General is positioned at 512 West State Street, in west Kingman. The store is properly located to serve customers from the areas of Cayuga, Veedersburg, Saint Bernice, Newport, Wallace, Bloomingdale and Marshall. If you plan to swing by today (Saturday), its operating times are from 8:00 am until 10:00 pm. Please note the various sections on this page for specifics on Dollar General Kingman, IN, including the operating hours, local map, customer experience and other information.
Visit your local Dollar General branch close to the intersection of West Main Street and West State Street, in Kingman, Indiana.
1 minute drive from Wilkinson Street, South Roberts Street, North Allenwood Street or West Vine Street; a 5 minute drive from Steel Street, South Kingman Road or East Main Street.
When using GPS navigator systems enter the address 512 West State Street, Kingman, IN 47952 to get to this location.
There is presently 1 Dollar General branch open in Kingman, Indiana.
Go to the following link for Dollar General locations near Kingman.