Hours Dollar General - East Busch Boulevard, Ste A, Tampa, FL
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Dollar General is found in a convenient location at 4978 East Busch Boulevard, Ste A, within the north-east part of Tampa (near to Busch Blvd @ Busch Plaza). This discount store is situated in a convenient area that primarily serves the people of Stanleyville, Serengeti Plain, Egypt, Bird Gardens, Temple Terrace, Sesame Street Safari of Fun, Pantopia and Congo. If you plan to visit today (Sunday), it is open 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. This page includes specifics on Dollar General East Busch Boulevard, Ste A, Tampa, FL, including the hours of operation, store address details and direct telephone.
Dollar General is situated in a convenient spot close to the intersection of Busch Oaks Street and East Busch Boulevard, in Tampa, Florida.
Merely a 1 minute drive time from Ivy Court, North Hyaleah Road, East Temple Heights Road and North 50Th Street; a 4 minute drive from Bullard Parkway, East Busch Boulevard (Fl-580) and North 56th Street (Fl-583); and a 9 minute trip from Bruce B Downs Boulevard and River Grove Drive.
Visitors that use GPS systems should enter the address 4978 East Busch Boulevard, Ste A, Tampa, FL 33617 to get here.
Regular bus services run to and from 50Th Street @ Busch Flea Market, Busch Boulevard @ Busch Plaza and 50Th Street @ Temple Heights Road. Route 39 will take you here.
Within a short walk you'll come across Takomah Trail Park, Greco Softball Complex, University Square Playground, Woodmont Park, Batting Cages, Bonnie Brae Park, Allister Park, Serena Park and Christ Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.
There is presently a total number of 18 Dollar General stores operational in Tampa, Florida.
For more Dollar General variety stores near Tampa, click here.