Hours Dollar General - Clarks Hill, SC
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Dollar General can be found in an ideal location at 25 Woodlawn Road, in the south-east region of Clarks Hill (not far from South Park). This store is a handy addition to the areas of Evans, Trenton, Bath, Clearwater, North Augusta, Langley and Augusta. Today (Sunday), working times start at 8:00 am and end at 10:00 pm. This page includes information for Dollar General Clarks Hill, SC, including the hours of business, address details and contact number.
Dollar General is found in an ideal location near the intersection of West Martintown Road, Martintown Road, Woodlawn Road and Briggs Road, in Clarks Hill, South Carolina.
1 minute trip from Martintown Road (Sc-230), Cindy Lane, Cannon Mill Drive and Summerlake Drive; a 4 minute drive from Silver Maple Drive, Currytown Road and Birch Drive; or a 11 minute trip from Plantation Point Drive and Roper Ranch Trail.
For drivers using route planners the address will be 25 Woodlawn Road, Clarks Hill, SC 29821.
Just a short walk away you might discover South Park.
There is currently 1 Dollar General branch operational in Clarks Hill, South Carolina.
Click on the following page for the full list of all Dollar General locations near Clarks Hill.