Hours Dollar General - Clarkdale, AZ
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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You will find Dollar General at 1191 Sr89A, within the south area of Clarkdale (near to Valley View Cemetery). This discount store is situated fittingly to serve those from the districts of Cottonwood, Prescott Valley, Jerome and Cornville. If you plan to visit today (Sunday), its working times are 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. Here you can find some significant information about Dollar General Clarkdale, AZ, including the working times, store address info and direct telephone.
Dollar General can be found in an ideal location immediately near the intersection of Deborah Drive and Lisa Street, in Clarkdale, Arizona.
This discount store is simply a 1 minute drive time from Mingus Shadows Drive, Lanny Avenue, Lincoln Drive and Az-89A; a 4 minute drive from Clarkdale Parkway, US-89A-Historic or South Broadway; or a 11 minute drive time from South 11Th Street or North Main Street.
Those using route planners can key in 1191 Sr89A, Clarkdale, AZ 86324.
The train drops off at Clarkdale Station (1.49 mi away).
Just a short walk away you might come across Clark Memorial Library, Yavapai College, Clarkdale Park, Coyote Trails Golf Cours (ex Pine Shadows), Jerome Valley Cemetery, Valley View Cemetery, St. Thomas of the Valley Episcopal Church, Saint Cecilia's Mission and Clarkdale Baptist Church.
There is currently 1 Dollar General branch open in Clarkdale, Arizona.
For the full index of all Dollar General branches near Clarkdale, visit the following page.