Hours Dillard’s - Fayetteville, AR
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Dillard’s is easily reached in Northwest Arkansas Mall at 4201 North Shiloh Drive, on the north side of Fayetteville (by Nwa Mall). Customers can easily come here from Farmington, Greenland, Springdale, Johnson, Tontitown, Elm Springs and Lowell. Today (Sunday), service starts at 12:00 pm and ends at 6:00 pm. Please see the various sections on this page for specifics on Dillard’s Fayetteville, AR, including the working hours, store location, phone number and more information about the store.
Dillard’s is found in a good space near the intersection of North College Avenue, East Zion Road and North Shiloh Drive, in Fayetteville, Arkansas, at Northwest Arkansas Mall.
Found within a 1 minute drive from East Shepherd Lane, East Georgetown Square Drive, North Mall Avenue and Nwa Mall Access Road; a 4 minute drive from West Joyce Boulevard, North College Avenue (US-71B) or Fulbright Expressway; or a 8 minute drive time from South Thompson Street (US-71B) and US-62.
For customers using GPS units to get here, enter this address: 4201 North Shiloh Drive, Fayetteville, AR 72703.
The closest bus stops to the store are Nwa Mall or Mall Avenue & Georgetowne Square. Board the lines 10, 26, 61 or 490.
Nearby you may discover Timber Lake, Shelby Square, Bayyari Business Center, Spring Creek Centre, Nelson's Crossing and Shops at Joyce.
At this moment Dillard’s operates 1 location in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Go to the following link for an entire directory of Dillard’s stores near Fayetteville.
Please be sure to take a look around the wide variety of high quality stores at Northwest Arkansas Mall.