Hours Burlington - Pittsburgh, PA
Holiday Hours 2025 Show
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Burlington can be found on Smithfield St, in the south-west section of Pittsburgh (nearby Smithfield St At Forbes Ave). The store is handy for the people of Homestead, Mc Kees Rocks, West Mifflin, Coulters, Carnegie, Rural Ridge and Greenock. If you plan to swing by today (Monday), its hours are from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. This page includes business hours, local directions or email contact for Burlington Pittsburgh, PA.
Burlington occupies a prime spot close to the intersection of Forbes Avenue and Smithfield Street, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Just a 1 minute drive from Fifth Avenue, Exit 71A of US-22, Fourth Avenue and Wood Street; a 3 minute drive from Exit 1B (North Shore Expressway) of I-279, Boulevard of The Allies or Grant Street; and a 10 minute drive time from Crosstown Boulevard (I-579) or Exit 2B (Parkway North) of I-279.
If you're using navigation systems, the address is Smithfield St, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
The closest bus stops are: Wood St Between Forbes & Fifth, Smithfield Street At Forbes Avenue, Boulevard of The Allies At Smithfield Street and Fifth Avenue At William Penn Place. Nearby services include the 1, 2, 3, 4, 40, 43, 61A, 61B, 61D, 71B, 87M, 87S, P10, P13 and Metro Commuter.
Local light rails run directly to Steel Plaza Station (1040 ft), Wood Street Station (1070 ft) and Gateway Station (1730 ft away). The easiest way to get here is by the Red or Blue lines.
Trains run frequently to and from Gateway Station (1620 ft), First Avenue Station (1730 ft) and Pittsburgh Union Station (3090 ft away).
In walking distance, you can visit Mellon Square, Village Park, YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh, Warner Centre, F. Tracy Henderson Alumni Park and Trinity Burial Ground.
Currently, Burlington owns 4 branches in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Access this link for a complete listing of every Burlington store near Pittsburgh.
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